I was dragged (kicking and screaming) to The Trafford Centre on Easter Monday. NOT my idea of fun.
While others plundered the fashion houses I went into just two shops – HMV and Waterstones.
Bit surprised that HMV is still open at The Trafford Centre as the rent must be astronomical. Anyway open it is and although CDs are generally a few pence more there than online I managed to blag a few titles that have been on my wish list for some time.
Black Sabbath – Paranoid. I have very little heavy metal in my collection as it generally isn’t my Tasse de Te but I have always liked a couple of tracks from this album so thought I might as well get it.
Led Zeppelin – Led Zeppelin. I quite like early Zeppelin – up to Physical Graffiti – and this one is quite bluesy which I like.
Jimi Hendrix – Band of Gypsys. I already have Are You Experienced, Electric Ladyland
and Axis: Bold As Love
so this sort of completes the set – studio stuff that he released while alive. Cry Of Love etc was posthumous.
Small Faces – Collection. No Small Faces stuff in my collection so …
Bought 6 Music DJ Mark Radcliffe’s Thank You For The Days. Turns out he is the same age as me bar a month or so and he also likes Dr. Feelgood and a lot of other music that I also like. However that is where the similarity ends as he supports Manchester City and drives shit cars.
Found a comfy bench and proceeded to read my Waterstones acquisition for what seemed like an hour or two and probably was. I’d been promised a meal at one of The Trafford Centre’s eatery establishments. I wasn’t really gambling on a bloody Burger King!